
This page is all about how you can make your blog or site better and how to get more viewers and earn money....enjoy.

Monday, 28 May 2012

Can't Think Of What To Write?

GRR..I sometimes have days where I have no inspiration what so ever and have no idea what to write about. I can genuinely just sit there for hours and still not come up with anything to write or blog about. So I look at other sites and blogs to try and gain ideas. I then asked other people what give them inspiration on what to write about and most just say there interests and topics that they know a lot about and love talking about.

 After  you've been blogging for a while you start to come up with themes that you continuously talk about, I do this with the different pages on my blog and just stick to what it says, this also gives me more ideas for new pages and new things to talk about. If your really stuck for ideas then just look around the room your in or the social network sites that your on. You can write and blog about absolutely anything out there. Pretty easy don't you think? Oh and this site is really good for ideas so is the rest of this page, why not take a look.

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